Mental Well-Being Group Starting 8th November
1st of November, 2023
New mental well-being group starting 8th November
The groups will run at two times on a Wednesday
11am-1pm or 7-9pm ( for those that can’t make it during the day)
- Caring for someone with Dementia or a chronic disease and feeling isolated?
- feeling fed up working at home and need something else in your life after work?
- Want to be creative but always put it off?
- feeling low or anxious about life and want to try to meet new people?
- Want to try to improve your mental well-being but find exercising difficult ?
- Or just need to get out and meet people but need a safe feeling environment ?
This new group will take place on the beautiful Bridge House marina on the Lancaster Canal for those living in Garstang and surrounding areas . It will run for 10 weeks and introduce you to various arts and crafts and mindful activities that will help with the stress of modern day living.
This group is not just for women.
Places are limited but if you might be interested and would like more information please get in touch with Diane for more details.
The group is free to attend thanks to support from Garstang Town Council
“Change your life for the better”
Email [email protected]
Call or text 07974 1190(9